CheckMate - IFR Universal CheckMate | 02AR010

CheckMate Aviation


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The first of its kind, the IFR CheckMate® offers both vital primary IFR information and less used, but just as essential, secondary information when flying in IMC weather conditions.

In the IFR environment organization and management lead to smoother, stress-free and safer outcomes. IFR CheckMate® will assist you through preflight planning to touch-down on the IFR flight. Whether you are cleared for the complete approach or radar vectored to the FAF, IFR CheckMate® format will help keep the flight business orderly and functional. It is precise and specific to the different phases of those sometimes precarious flights. You will be reminded when to prepare and look ahead to each phase.

A quick review of IFR CheckMate® before flight will help you determine pilot and aircraft preparedness and legalities, how to give those greatly appreciated pilot reports on icing and turbulence, and what ATC expects you to do after radio failure; professional information in a concise and orderly manner.

The major topics include: Initial Prep, Required Equipment, Cockpit Prep, After Start, During Taxi, During Runup, Takeoff, Climb, Cruise, Descent, Holding, Approach Prep, IAF, Procedure Turn, FAF, Missed Approach, FAA Flight Plan, Equipment Suffixes, Pireps, Holding Entries Diagram, Inspections Required, Alternate Airport Requirements, IFR Alternate Airport Weather Minimums, Two-Way Radio Communications,.......and more.

  • Standard - (Single Engine 6.5'' x 9'' / Twin Engine 7'' x 9.75'') 9.25 font. By far, the most popular size. Will fit most tri-fold kneeboards but it is a tight fit.
  • Compact - (5'' x 7'') 6.5 pt. font. Nothing is deleted. Suggested only for those that can read small print.

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