Aircraft Gas Turbine Powerplants Workbook

Aircraft Technical Book Company


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This workbook serves as a companion to the Aircraft Gas Turbine Powerplants textbook, designed to aid in retaining important information and enhancing comprehension of various topics. Each chapter in the workbook corresponds to a chapter in the textbook and features short and long answer questions, as well as exercises. It is recommended that the textbook chapter be reviewed before attempting to answer the questions. Answer pages are conveniently located in the back of the workbook to assess understanding.

Similarly to the textbook, the workbook chapters are organized as follows:

1. History of Turbine Development
2. Jet Propulsion Theory
3. Turbine Engine Design and Construction
4. Engine Familiarization
5. Inspection and Maintenance
6. Lubrication Systems
7. Fuel Systems
8. Compressor Anti-Stall Systems
9. Anti-Icing Systems
10. Starter Systems
11. Ignition Systems
12. Engine Instrument Systems
13. Fire/Overheat Detection and Extinguishing Systems
14. Engine Operation

Product Specifications:

ISBN: 9781941144466
Aircraft Technical Book Co.
Author: Charles Otis and Peter Vosbury
Pages: 132

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