Professional Pursuit Flash Cards is a comprehensive set of 400 flashcards, each featuring 4 questions in the categories of General, Airframe, Powerplant, and Avionics for a total of 1600 questions and answers. The content for the General, Airframe, and Powerplant questions is based on the required FAA material found in the FAA H-8083 Handbooks, while the Avionics questions are based on the EASA B2 avionics modules 4, 5, and 13 (Electronic Fundamentals, Digital Systems, and Airplane Systems). This resource offers a professional and engaging way to prepare for FAA exams and refresh one's knowledge on previously learned topics. In addition, EASA students can also benefit from these flashcards for their Cat-A, B1, and B2 studies. Education directors and MRO training managers can also request custom printed sets with company or school colors and logo. For more information, please contact us.