ASA - Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Guide, eBook

Aviation Supplies & Academics Inc.


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The utility and benefits of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) are being increasingly recognized across the aviation industry. While this technology is not new, its ability to support domestic public and private operators is becoming better understood, opening up new uses to government organizations and commercial enterprise. Small UAS are expected to become the most prevalent and affordable form of unmanned aircraft available, with applications for both business and recreation ranging from hobby model aircraft communities to defense contracting.

Beginning with the history and evolution of UAS, this book covers typical sUAS designs (including types of multirotor, fixed-wing, and hybrid), major elements and equipment, related technology, common uses, and safety practices, while also providing guidance and resources to help you make well-informed decisions regarding purchase and use and determine a path forward through the complex legal, business, operational, and support considerations.

Whether using sUAS to address a business need or for recreation, this text provides you with the knowledge to acquire necessary certification approvals, evaluate and purchase an sUAS, and operate in a safe, efficient, and effective manner. Written for experienced aviators as well as those new to aviation and operating in the National Airspace System, the easy-to-read format features 230 illustrations, a list of abbreviations, and index. The authors’ experience and insight into the technical, operational, and regulatory considerations will assist you in shaping your own strategy for use of this (r)evolutionary technology.

Copyright © 2017-2020 Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc. All rights reserved.

    eBook Specifications:

    • Part Number ASAUASSUASEB
    • ISBN 9781619543966
    • Author Brent Terwilliger, David Ison, John Robbins, Dennis Vincenzi
    • ISBN 978-1-61954-396-6
    • Date Published 2017
    • Page Count 288 pages
    • Illustrations Color Throughout

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