EXPIRED - FAA Chart Supplements, Airport Facility Directories

Federal Aviation Administration


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These expired Chart Supplements are perfect for training or flight simulators. 



Chart Supplements contain a listing of data recorded with the FAA on all open-to-the-public airports, seaplane bases, heliports, military facilities, and selected private use airports requested explicitly by the Department of Defense (DOD) for which a DOD instrument approach procedure has been published in the U.S. Terminal Procedures Publication, airport sketches, NAVAIDs, communications data, weather data sources, airspace, special notices, VFR waypoints, Airport Diagrams, and operational procedures. Seven volumes cover the conterminous United States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The supplements include data that cannot be adequately depicted in graphic form, e.g., airport hours of operation, types of fuel available, runway data, lighting codes, etc. The supplements are designed to be used in conjunction with charts and are published every 56 days. Volumes are side-bound 5 3/8 x 8 1/4 inches.

Information changes to the chart supplement series come from a variety of sources. Information published in the Airport Facility Directory (excluding airport sketch blocks) is generated from Aeronautical Information Services data. All changes to this portion of the publication must be submitted as an Aeronautical Data Change. Any content not covered in the Airport Facility Directory section of the supplements must be submitted as an Aeronautical Chart Change. There are two different components of information related to an Aeronautical Chart Change for the Chart Supplements: Airport Diagrams and sketches and Supplemental Charts and publications. It is incumbent on the proponent to ensure they understand the Criteria and Requirements for submitting changes to the Supplemental Charts and publications portion of the Aeronautical Chart Change. If any user of the Chart Supplement product finds an error or has any questions, please submit an Aeronautical Inquiry. 

Product Name Product ID
Chart Supplement - Northeast U.S. AFDNE
Chart Supplement - Southeast U.S. AFDSE
Chart Supplement - East Central U.S. AFDEC
Chart Supplement - North Central U.S. AFDNC
Chart Supplement - South Central U.S. AFDSC
Chart Supplement - Northwest U.S. AFDNW
Chart Supplement - Southwest U.S. AFDSW
Chart Supplement - Full Set U.S. AFDUSSET

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