Celeste Sani-Tank N - 1 Gal

Celeste Industries


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Celeste Sani-Tank N - 1 Gal

Sani-Tank® N is specially formulated for both vacuum and recirculating toilets as well as general hard surface cleaning. The multiple uses of Sani-Tank® N include:

  •     Solubilizing and removing urine salt and mineral scale deposits in vacuum and recirculating toilets
  •     Removing organic tar buildup in vacuum and recirculating toilets
  •     Hard surface cleaning to remove tannins, soap scum and other general soils

In vacuum toilets, Sani-Tank® N helps emulsify and remove urine salt and mineral scale from vacuum toilet waste lines and tanks that has been softened by routine treatment with Gly-Vak™. It is designed for more heavily scaled lines and on-wing treatment.

In recirculating toilets, Sani-Tank® N is an excellent heavy-duty cleaner formulated to maintain the cleanliness of the toilet bowl, shroud area, and waste holding tanks in the lavatory. It will remove scale build up due to minerals and urine salts, as well as light to moderate tar buildup, which can have a negative impact on toilet function. Regularly scheduled use reduces toilet system malodor and contributes to extended component life, as well as reducing the buildup of scale and tar. Especially designed to work in concert with Celeste’s Sani-Pak 97000.

Sani-Tank N is non-alkaline, contains no phosphates, and is biodegradable. Use of Sani-Tank N therefore eliminates disposal issues associated with traditional alkaline and phosphate-based cleaners.

As a general hard surface cleaner, Sani-Tank™ N will remove soap scum, tannins and general soils.

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