ASA - A Pilots Accident Review, eBook | ASA-ACC-REV-EB

Aviation Supplies & Academics Inc.


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We often learn best by reviewing the mistakes of others. To this end, author John Lowery provides an in-depth analysis of prominent aviation accidents to illustrate the potential dangers during each phase of flight and the psychology behind pilot error. Lowery also demonstrates how a chain of errors—often originating from a pilot’s support team—can precipitate into fatal accidents. An understanding of these factors is key to training to become safer, more effective pilots-in-command.

A Pilot’s Accident Review provides pilots with a study of safety procedures in intense circumstances, and a survey of high-profile incidents designed to build awareness of the most preventable factors in pilot error. Covered are the primary causes of CFIT, as well as the human factors that can precipitate accidents—particularly complacency, over-confidence, and compulsion. Lowery discusses at length the JFK, Jr. and Concorde accidents, and those involving Frank Sinatra's mother, Reba McIntire's band, John Denver and Wiley Post.

John Lowery first soloed at age 16 in a Piper J-3 Cub at Auburn-Opelika Airport (AUO). After 24 years in the Air Force, he’s lived and flown all over the world working as a flight instructor and DPE, earned ATP ratings, and taught at universities and Air Force bases across the country. Now retired in California, he remains active as an aviation writer.

Copyright © 2015-2020 Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc. All rights reserved.

Soft Cover Specifications:

  • Part Number ASAACCREV
  • ISBN 9781619542174
  • Authors John Lowery
  • ISBN 978-1-61954-217-4
  • Date Published 2015
  • Page Count 296
  • Dimensions 6" x 9"

eBook Specifications:

  • Part Number ASAACCREVEB
  • ISBN 9781619542181
  • Authors John Lowery
  • ISBN 978-1-61954-218-1
  • Date Published 2015
  • Page Count 296

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